tell us your story

Go on, be brave.  Telling your story is what we are all about.

It doesn't matter if it happened today or 50 years ago, it doesn't matter if it was big thing or a very small one; if there was grace under fire, then wonderful.  We'd love to hear from you.
If you would like to share your experience, or the experience of someone you know (please check it's okay with them first!) then just fill in the form below, using the comment box to tell us the details. Include a blog or web address if you have one, so that we can link back to it.

If you'd preferr, you can simply email us at: [email protected]

We understand if you want to remain anonymous, or to change the names in your story to protect the anonymity of the people you are talking about.  We do ask though that you use your real name in the submission so that we can verify who you are, with a request that we don't publish it. 

Some guidelines for submission:

*Keep to the point.  There is no maximum length, but the more concise you can be, the greater impact you will have.

*Don't worry so much about writing style; just tell it.  Pretend we're sitting in front of you listening if it helps. 

*Feel free to include people you would like to thank, charities you would like to bring to our attention, if it is relevant to your story.

*Don't think that no-one will be interested.  Of course we are. 

*Link back to your story on your own websites, blogs, twitter account, facebook page etc.  The more people we can reach together, the more inspiration we can spread.  Cool, eh?

Thanks for taking the time to be part of our community, we couldn't do it without you.  We think you're awesome and, if you don't mind us saying, looking especially fine today.